Its YOUR Life!

Yep, your life sucks.
So what are you going to do about it?
No amount of whining is going to make any difference.
You have to WANT to change your life.
Then, do something about it!
Accept self responsibility.
Accept your mistakes.
Accept blame.
Accept what you have done to get where you are today.
Accept what you can’t change, what you don’t own and lay them to rest.
Next, change your attitude.
Focus on the positives in your life.
Focus on how you can make today better.
Make plans for where you want to be in 10 years time.  5 years.  1 year.  What do you have to do to achieve that goal?
If you are over 18 you have the choice where your life takes you. It might take time, but you can achieve your goals.
It all starts with YOU.
I have had to do this!  I had a mess in my life and I actually wanted that mess as much as I didn’t want it.  The mess was enticing.  It was fun.  It was captivating.  I craved it like an addiction and I didn’t want to give it up.
On the other hand, all the wonderful that came with the mess, made the rest of my life a disaster.  I couldn’t choose to have both the mess, and a normal happy life.  I had to choose.  It took a while to work through, but I chose my normal life because that was where I knew I needed to be.  I knew that was the way to the best future.
Addiction, no matter what form it comes in is controlling and possesses your very soul.  Whether you are addicted to a drug, alcohol, exercise, diet or a person.  It takes over your thought process, and evades all reasonable logic.  It is dangerous.  It is enticing.  It is destructive.
Some people are addicted to drama.  They love it, just as much as they hate it.  Something in their system draws them back in time and time again.  Perhaps it is the adrenaline of the drama, perhaps it is the attention.  Often times, people don’t even know they are creating their own mess.
Being self aware is a major skill in life.   Looking at yourself critically, yet without criticising is exceptional.
As I did… deciding to change is the first step towards breaking the cycle of addiction.  Support and accountability go a long way to helping you create a new life.   I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of a group of online friends.  They let me walk through my circumstances as I needed to and supported me and kept promising me a better future.
A future I now embrace.   A future I CHOSE.  One I am so very thankful I did!  If I didn’t I would still be whinging and complaining, instead I am free, happy, loved and loving.  I am true to myself, true to my God.
You get to choose too.  If you want to continue with your bad choices, then do.  Just don’t whinge when life sucks.  If you want to embrace the future you dream of, then start believing you can do it and make steps towards change.  It is quite possible that in a year or two’s time, you will have no idea who that person was you use to know~!
It’s never too late!

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